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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Pink Coyote - Creature Feature

Pink Coyote, 8x8 inches, acrylic on paper

Speaking of coyotes, here's a pink one.  Despite using a reference photo to draw this, it still came out with that primitive look I'm so enamored of these days.  I must have been in a really devil-may-care mood, to paint it on watercolor paper.  I also omitted to leave a border around it, which is going to make for display problems. 

I like his hungry, slinky look, at once furtive and defiant.  I regularly used to meet coyotes when walking or pedaling along the Santa Cruz River when I lived in Tucson, and always took it as a lucky omen.  Lucky for me, not for them, the poor creatures are losing habitat by the minute to the uncontrolled development ravaging that beautiful, fragile Sonoran desert region.  

Friday, February 22, 2019

Tyger, Tyger - Creature Feature

Tyger, Tyger, 8x8 inches, acrylic on canvas

Another critter.  I really like this guy, he has a spontaneous, primitive quality that I'm always trying for when I paint, but which all too often proves elusive.  Maybe the fact that I painted him in December, whilst half-freezing to death in my drafty workspace, precluded any temptation to overwork the piece.  

It probably also helped that I drew it without use of any reference, except for a quick check on the internet on the shape of the ears:  I thought they were roundish, but could I be sure?  No.  Like many essentially untrained artists, my visual memory sucks.  Maybe that's the secret, to draw from memory/imagination, but I wonder if it would work out so well with animals less familiar than cats; I've lived with cats for many years and sketch them endlessly.   I have no such intimacy with coyotes, say, however much I admire them.  

Whatever the difficulties, I do think working this way is one of the more promising lines of inquiry I've happened on in a long time.  It feels exciting, and that's one feeling I'm always ready to go chasing after.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Creature Feature - Blue Bear

Blue Bear, 8x8 inches, Acrylic on Canvas

This bear turned out to be a harbinger of more critters to come.  I liked it right away, not least because it's one of those rare pictures that happened quickly and without thinking.  Thinking usually screws things up, I start second-guessing myself and end up overworking the thing.  

I identify with bears:  I hibernate in winter too.  My earliest imaginary friend in childhood was a bear called Rupert.  I've kept a small hoard of bear icons through countless moves in an otherwise tchotchke-free house.  Maybe my subconscious was trying out some sympathetic magic with this picture, hoping that like Mr. Bear, I'd emerge from my cave again in a not-too-distant spring.